Above: Vecellio & Grogans hangar at the Raleigh County Memorial Airport near Beckley, WV, was used by Marine One, the presidential helicopter, during a summer campaign stop by President George W. Bush. Posing with the helicopter are Vecellio & Grogan personnel and family members, grouped from the left: J.D. Thomas; Rick, Vicky and Sandra Hertzer; Christina and Matt Farley; Sherry Castrodale; Margaret and Larry McLaughlin; Taylor (in front), Terri and L.L. Gwinn; Martha and Bill Medcalf.
Above: V&Gs hangar also served as the site of a campaign stop
by Vice President Dick Cheney a few weeks later.
2004 Vecellio Lecture Delivered By Patricia Galloway, ASCE President (3rd Quarter 2004)

Patricia D. Galloway, CEO of the consulting firm Nielson-Wurster Group, Inc., and President of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), gave the presentation at the fourth annual Vecellio Distinguished Lecture, held Oct. 15, 2004 on the campus of Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA.
The lecture series is part of the schools Vecellio Construction Engineering and Management Program, funded by a generous endowment from the Vecellio Family Foundation and individual family members, several of whom are Viginia Tech graduates.
The late Leo A. Vecellio, Sr., was a civil engineering graduate in 1938; Leo A. Vecellio, Jr., earned his civil engineering degree in 1968; and his son Michael A. Vecellio earned a business management degree in 2001.
Past presenters of the Vecellio Distinguished Lecture include Philip A. Shucet, VDOT Commissioner; Ted C. Kennedy, Chairman of BE&K, Inc.; and G.Wayne Clough, President of Georgia Tech.