Design-Build Project Adjoins Current SR-288 Job.
(1st/2nd Quarter 2002)
Vecellio & Grogan has been subcontracted by APAC to provide the earthmoving and pipe work on a new segment of SR-288 in Richmond, VA. The design-build project adjoins V&G’s current prime contract there, pushing the total value of V&G’s two Richmond jobs to well over $50 million.
SR-288 Project Manager Ray Adkins
reviews progress with Bridge Foreman
Floyd Adkins, while crew members build
a “reinforced earth” wall for a bridge
spanning the new highway segment.
Jonathan Riffey runs a Cat D-8R equipped with
GPS grading system on the west side of the job.
Alfredo Lugo (orange hard hat) and Newton “Duke”
Case (yellow hard hat) verify that all bridge bolts
have been tightened to the proper torque.
Scraper Operator Ramon Gomez, with a push from
Dozer Operator Nemar Bey, works Cut 3 on the job.
Bridge Work Underway On Richmond, VA, Project
(4th Quarter 2001)
Work is underway on four of the six bridges on V&G’s $47.6 million SR-288 job in Richmond, VA. Substructure concrete work will be finished by February on both the east and westbound spans on Route 60, which crosses SR-288 on the north end of the 4.5-mile highway project.
V&G crews are working on the piers for the Otterdale Road Bridge, which spans a railroad and ties Otterdale Road into SR-60 just west of SR-288.
At the southeast end of the project, work has begun on the footers for Charter Colony Road bridge.