Vecellio & Grogan Acquires Sharpe Bros., Puts Asphalt Work Under Sharpe Name

Sharpe Bros. logoSharpe Bros., a leading grading, paving and utilities contractor in the Greensboro/Piedmont Triad area of North Carolina, has become a division of Vecellio & Grogan, effective June 2, 2006.

Vecellio & Grogan’s asphalt operations are now doing business as Sharpe Bros. throughout the region.

The acquisition gives Sharpe Bros. substantial resources to fuel its continued growth, while adding to Vecellio & Grogan’s North Carolina operations. Vecellio & Grogan (V&G) is part of Vecellio Group, Inc., one of the nation’s top 200 contractors.

Steve Sharpe
     Steve Sharpe                V.P. Operations
Ivan Clayton
    Ivan Clayton                V.P. & Gen. Mgr.

Sharpe Bros. was founded in 1980 by Steve Sharpe. It has grown along with the Piedmont Triad area and established a reputation for high-quality services and asphalt products. Today, the company is run by Steve Sharpe and Ivan Clayton, who will serve all customers under the Sharpe Bros. name.

“The only thing we’ve changed is we’ve become part of Vecellio & Grogan,” said Sharpe, Vice President of Operations. “It’s a very positive step for us.”

Clayton, Vice President and General Manager, shared the enthusiasm. “I have worked with V&G on numerous jobs as a subcontractor and have always been very impressed with their organization.”

Founded in West Virginia in 1938, Vecellio & Grogan has operated in North Carolina for more than 20 years, building roads and bridges in many regions of the state. Over the last few years the company has gained a solid presence in Greensboro, establishing a North Carolina division and asphalt operations to service a number of projects centered around the Piedmont Triad International Airport.

V&G is developing the FedEx cargo hub site, building a new runway, and realigning Bryan Boulevard to accommodate the airport expansion. V&G has also provided asphalt contracting and paving services to other area customers. The acquisition of Sharpe Bros. is another step in the company’s growth, explained V&G’s President of Construction, Bill Medcalf.

“Sharpe Bros. is a long-established, well-known company in the Piedmont Triad area,” said Medcalf. “Combining their operations with our resources gives customers continued high-quality results while allowing us to help grow the business further under the Sharpe Bros. name.”

Leo Vecellio, Jr., CEO of Vecellio Group, had the highest praise for Sharpe Bros. and its personnel. “Steve, Ivan and the entire Sharpe Bros. team are doing a tremendous job. We welcome them into our group and look forward to even greater success in the future.”

Sharpe Bros. will operate from V&G’s office and shop facilities at 204 Base Leg Road in Greensboro, with the phone number (336) 235-2756. It will load asphalt from the nearby drum-mix plant, as well as its batch-mix facility on Burnt Poplar Road, to more than double its asphalt production capacity.

“With the two plants working together, we can supply a wide variety of projects with high-quality asphalt,” said Clayton. “With all the work we have, I expect both plants will be running most of the year.”



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