The new FedEx Cargo Hub in Greensboro, NC, is starting to take shape at Piedmont Triad International Airport as Vecellio & Grogan strives to provide excellent service on this enormous and complex project.
The new FedEx building is nearly ready for its aircraft aprons as V&G completes site development and drainage improvements. This section of the project is on schedule for a summer 2009 completion. The Bryan Boulevard relocation project is also making excellent progress, with the bridge crew at work on the second phase of the Old Oak Ridge interchange.
A $30 million project to construct a new runway has entered its second phase as V&G crews put in 22 hours of work a day hauling dirt, laying pipe and completing all erosion-control measures. The crew is hauling 32,000 cu. yds. of dirt daily. This portion of the project is on target for a July 2008 completion.
Finally, the team has completed the first phase of grading and erosion control for a new Honda aircraft factory on the airport campus. This phase of the project will be completed by the end of this year.
On projects of this size and complexity, with a combined 150 employees and more than 30 haul trucks on the move each day, communications and coordination can be a major challenge. The project managers and superintendents have actively worked to stay on top of tasks and ensure that details dont slip through by holding meetings at 6 a.m. daily. Their efforts are paying off, as all four projects are proceeding on schedule.