Smile… You’re On ‘Vecellio Group’ Camera!

Working closely with the grading, engineering and safety teams at Vecellio &Grogan’s energy plant project in Virginia are bridge crew members (L to R) Chris Harkins, Richard Clary, Jim Bower, Ron Woodford, Argel Cook, John Fultz, John Jobe, Jonathan Snodgrass, Floyd Adkins, Argel Cook, Jr., and Harry Rigdon.

Above: Working closely with the grading, engineering and safety teams at Vecellio &Grogan’s energy plant project in Virginia are bridge crew members (L to R) Chris Harkins, Richard Clary, Jim Bower, Ron Woodford, Argel Cook, John Fultz, John Jobe, Jonathan Snodgrass, Floyd Adkins, Argel Cook, Jr., and Harry Rigdon. (Photo by Bob Kennedy)

Natasha Rosales, recipient of a Vecellio Family Foundation college scholarship as the daughter of Ranger South’s Al Rosales, works with children at a medical clinic in Rwanda for two weeks as part of her University of Florida studies.

Above: Natasha Rosales, recipient of a Vecellio Family Foundation college scholarship as the daughter of Ranger South’s Al Rosales, works with children at a medical clinic in Rwanda for two weeks as part of her University of Florida studies. (Photo provided)


                                           Great Deal For 401(k) Savers: 50% Match                                               (1st/2nd Quarter 2009)

In a welcome bit of economic news, participants in the Vecellio Group’s 401(k) plan received the same generous gift from the company this year as in 2008 — a 50 percent match on all contributions up to 6 percent of an employee’s paycheck.

This comes at a time when some companies are cutting back or even eliminating their voluntary contributions to reduce costs. But as a privately owned organization, the Vecellio Group’s approach is different.

“We understand that construction is a cyclical business, with ups and downs along the way,” said Bob Leadbetter, V.P. of Human Resources. “The Vecellio Group’s philosophy is to build for long-term success and that includes taking care of the people who contribute to its success. Making the same level of 401(k) contribution, despite the current economic conditions, is a good example of that commitment.”

(Note: Participants can contribute more than 6 percent if desired, and can choose how they want their funds invested.)


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