At the Vecellio companies, keeping our crews and work areas safe is the most important job our team leaders do. This safety effort requires attention throughout each work shift, day or night, with regular training sessions and safety meetings to maintain peak awareness of Job #1.
The Vecellio Group is proud to recognize this safety dedication through our Supervisor Safety Awards, which are based on multiple safety criteria carefully tracked throughout the year.
In 2011, the companies honored a total of 120 supervisors, categorized into four high-level tiers of recognition, for their safety leadership and efforts to keep their crews and jobsites as safe as possible throughout the year.
Congratulations were also given to Vecellio companies reaching ‘No Lost-Time’ milestones.
Sharpe Bros. was recognized for working well over five years without any lost-time incidents, showing that the safety efforts of the management and crews have been paying off.
The V&G division has worked without a lost-time incident since 2006. It celebrated reaching five years in 2011 and is striving to reach and celebrate the next milestone of six years in August.
The Sharpe Bros. division is doing a great job upholding our safety-first culture, said Vecellio Group V.P. Michael Vecellio.
Achieving one-year milestones with no lost-time incidents were Vecenergy, the Group’s energy division; and Ranger Construction’s West Palm Beach operations.
Group Announces Safety Phrase Contest Winners for 2012 (1st/2nd Quarter 2012)
Vecellio Group V.P. of Safety Mark Ligon, left, presents a 2012 Safety Phrase award to Rangers Pat Monroe for his entry Dont Be A Fatality, Make Safety A Reality at a BBQ lunch earlier this year. Runner-up in Rangers contest was Wayne Bolin.
At Sharpe Bros., a division of Vecellio & Grogan, V.P. Ivan Clayton, right, presents Sean Smith with a 2012 Safety Phrase award for his entry: SAFETY: Were All Riding On it! Runner-up was Rob Williams of V&G. (Photo by John Riley, Jr.)
Rolayme Fabelo, left, is White Rock Quarries 2012 Safety Phrase contest winner with Chance Takers Are Accident Makers. At right is WRQ Safety Director Tony Diaz. (Photo by JR Payne)