Use Your Head -— Wear Your Hard Hat!

Employees sometimes ask why they are required to wear hard hats on our road construction or site development projects, or at one of our quarry locations or Turtle with "hard hat" shellpetroleum terminals. After all, if the work takes place outside, what is going to fall on them?

Wearing a hard hat protects the employee from any impact to the top of the head, not just from falling objects.

Whether someone is entering or leaving a truck or equipment cab, working around equipment with buckets or booms, or coordinating their efforts with others who may be handling heavy objects or using long-handled tools, wearing a hard hat protects against a nasty bump on the noggin — or far worse.

Hard hats are a necessary item in our personal protective gear and their use is a mandatory part of our safety protocol.

                                                         Vecellio & Grogan Project Notes                                                          (4th Quarter 2010)

Vecellio & Grogan continues making good progress on new road construction in West Virginia. The company is building a two-mile section of Corridor H in Grant County. The work involves moving nearly 6 million cu. yds. of earth, building a 613-ft.-long bridge, and installing a 10-ft. x 10-ft. box culvert stretching 1,420-ft.

In Beckley, V&G crews are building more than a mile of new four-lane roadway for the East Beckley Bypass. The job involves constructing a bridge 1,200-ft. long, with bridge piers rising up to 217-ft. over a deep gorge to reach grade.

Vecellio & Grogan is also performing earthmoving and site-prep services for Cline Resources’ at Deer Run Mine near Hillsboro, Illinois


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